Business Expense Insurance

We take care of your future

Office overhead expense insurance helps protect your business while you manage any health issues!

Business expense or office overhead insurance is an important coverage that will help you pay your fixed costs according to the insured amount and the indemnity period you have chosen. From your employees’ salaries to your rent, electricity bills and more, avoid the negative impacts of an illness or injury that could prevent you from working for a few months. That way, you can take care of your recovery worry-free!

Did you know that business expense or office overhead insurance premiums are tax-deductible business expenses?

Choose this type of coverage to protect your future and your employees in every way:

  • Employee salaries
  • Rent
  • Public services and utilities
  • Professional membership fees
  • Equipment depreciation
  • And more!

You wish to find out more? Ask us for advice.

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Did you know that...

Business expense or office overhead insurance premiums are tax-deductible business expenses. Take advantage of it!

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Did you know that Sogemec Assurances is dedicated exclusively to the needs of career professionals like you?

"Our client-partners choose Sogemec Assurances for its ability to look after THEIR INTERESTS. An alliance with us is a reliable and recognized strategy enabling you to focus on what matters most to you: your professional and personal life."

— Chantal Aubin, President and CEO