Your best reference: a trustworthy team

Méziane Larab

Méziane Larab

M. Sc. Fin.
  • Business Development Director
  • Young Professionals segment
  • Financial security advisor
  • Group Insurance Advisor
Contact me 514-350-3314 Book an appointment

After graduating with a master’s degree in finance from the Université du Québec à Montréal in 2016, Méziane Larab joined Sogemec Assurances’ team of young professionals in 2017. Since then, he has dedicated himself to meeting the unique needs of future doctors, and has developed remarkable expertise in insurance products and coverages tailored to this sector. Proactive by nature, this dedicated and knowledgeable advisor positions himself as an essential ally for his clients, putting forward his commitment and transparency in the search for innovative solutions to protect their financial future with confidence and assurance.

Due to the mail delivery strike, renewal documentation will be sent to our policyholders via secure email. Please update your contact information or sign up for e-billing if you have not already done so.